Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Have fun without caring who is watching"

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."

     At the start of this summer I was given some great advice by a wonderful woman and it has stuck with me ever since. 

       "Decide that today, you are going to have fun! STOP looking around the corner. STOP focusing on what others are doing. DO: Make plans for your future, based on you and only you (this is your only chance until you get married...it will happen someday). DO what you are there to do. This is your CHANCE! Be EMMA!! Find out what makes you happy, not what you think will make someone else happy in a relationship.
    I guess if I could impart any "wisdom" it would be this. RELAX and live your life. Don't try so hard. Have fun without caring who is watching." I read this every day to remind myself of what I should DO and it has helped so much. Thus helping me to be a little more me and a little more spontaneous. 

   Adventure number three...you might look at that picture and say to yourself, "What kind of an adventure can you have in Utah?" Well, let me tell you something, you can have adventures anywhere and everywhere and this adventure was fantastic and crazy fun.
  I got back to Rexburg on a Tuesday night and started talking to my roommate Megan. After talking for a while I told her we should go down to Salt Lake and surprise our friend Lance, by picking her up at the airport...and so that's exactly what we did. After doing some amazing detective work and finding out what flight Lance would come in on. After I got off work and with smiles on our faces, twenty dollars to our names, and a bag of cereal to keep our tummies full, we departed Rexburg with half a tank of gas and an itinerary that will blow your mind.
First half of THE itinerary...
....second half.
   As we drove we decided that it would be fun to add our friend Marc to the surprise, so we stopped in Brigham City and picked him up. Oh boy,  it just get's better from here...
We arrived at the airport with leaps of joy and maybe a bit of brisk walking, because we still weren't absolutely sure what flight Lance was on.  

At this point we were really excited cause her plane "we think" should have landed......
After 45 minutes of waiting we started to get a little worried that we had the wrong flight....
     But alas, there she was and tired as could be. I started running towards her and it took her forever to realize who I was, but after she did her face was priceless. 

  This was her surprised/happy face. She had no idea that we were coming to get her at all. And me with all her bags....
Before we headed back to Rexburg we had to get some food cause we were all starving. 
2:00am and I think we were all a little tired drunk. 
We had hit that wall of tiredness that we just couldn't come back from.....
...and so we began out trek back to rexburg.

   We arrived back in Rexburg at 7:00am. Just in time for Clay and I to go to work. We were all dead that day, but let me tell you it was so worth it. We left Rexburg at 6:00pm Wednesday night and got back at 7:00am Thursday morning. 
  This act of spontaneity was so much fun for me and everyone around me was happy. They loved the ideas that I came up with. I did it without worrying about what people thought of me and it ended up being more fun than all the things I normally do because i didn't worry about what they thought. So my first lesson learned this summer...don't worry about what others think about you so much. I'm still learning this every day and as I put it into action I've become a little happier every day. 

   "Have fun without caring who is watching"

1 comment:

  1. It was seriously one of the craziest and most fun trips I've ever been on!
