Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nothing 'just' or 'merely'

What do you want to be in life? I was asked this question the other day, so I thought I would share my dilemma for the day.
This question can be thought of in a few different ways, but I took it a little deeper this time and I want to answer in a way that truly answers the question. I could say that I'm majoring in exercise physiology and I want to do something health related, but deep down that is not my ultimate goal. Deep down my ultimate goal is to have a family.
  Often, I hear girls say "I 'just' want to be a mom." or "I 'just' want to have a family." Well, let me tell you something I don't 'just' want that. I absolutely want to be a mother and there is nothing just, merely, or simple about being a mother and raising a family. What an enormous responsibility and privilege I have to be able to someday be that person that gets to bring little children into the world and then teach them about their Father in Heaven and about all the amazing things in this world. I am so excited to someday share with a worthy man, that responsibility.
  It is true, that there is no way for me to be sure that I will some day have that opportunity, but I can do everything in my power to prepare myself if it does come.  That is where I have the power to change things and I'm slowly becoming the woman I want to be. If motherhood doesn't come for me while I'm young I will continue to learn for my children, so that I might be able to better serve them.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm not a farm girl

          I'm not a farm girl and I'm not a city girl...so what am I? I'm ME. I grew up in a small town in Montana and people often expect me to act a certain way, but I usually end up being different. I'm just me and I love being the person that I am. I'm happy with who I am and where I came from, and I don't have to fit the stereotype that everyone expects.

         I like to wear muck boots, sweats pants, unmatched socks for mittens, my little sister's decorated head band and "magic glasses" while looking exceptionally cool, while riding on my brothers snow skate.
         I like eating my pizza with a fork. I don't like to watch movies with a big group of people. I always sleep with my window cracked.  I hate popcorn. I like to shop by myself. I don't like pushing a shopping cart at the grocery store. I love food and love to cook, but I hate cooking for myself. I prefer to eat my ice cream cone with a spoon instead of licking it. I want to promote health in women, but you have to beg me to get my butt to the gym. And I like doing my taxes.

        I am weird, but I am me...which makes me SO cool!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The coming and going of 2012 wasn't a momentous occasion of any sorts, but looking back I realized that, although there was nothing huge, there were a lot of little things that I learned and grew from in 2012. So in honor of that wisdom gained and that knowledge learned I will document it.

In January I started working at Tueller Counseling Services and have learned many things about work ethic. I started as a LEP(little extra person), became receptionist, moved offices and helped open a office in Rexburg and am now working as a girl of many talents in two of the three offices. I was able to improve my resume' and I started a second job on campus in September as a Academic adviser in the Ag and Live Science advising. I counted all the jobs that I have had in the past four years and added a total of ten jobs. I learned this year that through hard work and an open mind to learn from co-workers, you can climb and build on your abilities in the work force.

Academic Learning
I finished two more semesters at BYU-Idaho and am now a JUNIOR. I have slowly been able to learn more and more about what I want to be in life and it's amazing to me the opportunities that are available to me through a good education and hard work. I was able to take classes not only that will help me in a career someday but also classes that have helped me to add to my "tool box" of skills. I heard once that "Women, your children deserve to have educated mothers." I loved that quote and I am here at school not only for myself but my future family.
 I took classes like Anatomy and Physiology, Visual Media, Statistics, Financing, etc. I'm not an amazing student but semester after semester I am learning how to be better and because of what I've learned I know that I will be a life long learner that will continue to grow throughout my life, because I never want to stop progressing and learning new things.

I had my first experience with a boyfriend this year and there was so much learned in that aspect of my life. I never thought that I could ever learn so much about myself through one experience. There were good and bad aspects of the relationship, but overall, despite the hurt and emotions that came with it, it is something I wouldn't take back, because of what I learned from it.

I learned how to play frisbee this year. I continued to grow my love for running and ran a relay race in September with a group of friends at school. I participated in a relay triathlon in August and swam a mile and a half. It was hard because I hadn't swam in years, but it was so fun and made me realize that it would be a lot of fun to do a triathlon by myself. New interested...triathlons.

I met so many new people this year and  developed new friendships that I hope will last throughout my life. I also lost friends that I will forever love and I wish them well. I also found a new part of me that is okay with being alone. I don't always have to have someone with me to feel like I'm okay, because I make who I am, not those that are around me. I have become someone that loves who she is and doesn't care what her friends think about her. I have figured out how to place myself in social situations and feel comfortable while being by myself and still have fun.

Overall, 2012 was a good year. There was heartaches and trials, but I was always able to pull myself to a bright place. I was always able to find my Savior who pulled me through each trial and helped me to see the good in my life. I'm grateful for all of the people that supported me and helped me to grow. So here's to 2012 for I am so very blessed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oops from Em..."Huh?"

Oops from Em..."huh?"

Spending time a the library is somewhat of a norm for me these days, but when it's spent with a friend interesting things can happen. As Lance and I were working on our Visual Media homework together last week, Lance leaned over to me and asked me if I had heard about Lance Armstrong. I immediately I replied with a very questioning look and a "Huh?"
"Lance Armstrong," said Lance again
"I don't know who that is." I said
Lance looked at me in shock, "You don't know who Lance Armstrong is...?"
"Uhhh...the moon or something." I replied, trying to redeem myself.
"You mean Neil Armstrong?!" said Lance.


Miss "interpretation" Emma

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mom got what?

"Oops from Em....Mom got what?"

We were all sitting around  the table after dinner, having a normal family conversation, when dad decided it would be fun to try and remember what day all of us were born on. As we went around the table recalling all the days that we were born, we stopped at my youngest siblings Golden and Presley. I, being quite proud of my skills in remembering my siblings birthday, piped up and said, "It was a Monday."
"No, I think it was a Saturday." said my dad.
"No, Dad, I remember it was a Monday, because mom was suppose to get seduced that day."
"Mom was suppose to get what?" my dad asked.
"Seduced. Mom was getting seduced, but she ended up having the babies before that happened." I replied.
"Emma dear, I think you mean....induced."

Oh dear......Oops! 

'Oops' from Em

 And we're back with a new episode of "Oops from Em"

Hello world, it's me again, the one that tells the jokes, but doesn't get them. I was talking to a friend a while back and he shared a joke with me. Of course me being the person that I am, I didn't get it or know who the Dalia lama is, so what do I do? I go on and share it with my father.
"Dad, what did the Dalia lama say when he walked into the pizza shop?"
My dad replied, "What?"
 "Make me a pizza with everything on it....." There was a long pause and my dad just looked at me. "Yeah, I didn't get it either. I don't understand why my friend thought it was so funny." I said.
"Are you sure that was the joke, Em?" my dad asked.
"Yeah, it was something like that, it just didn't make sense to me. I thought maybe you would get it, but now I don't feel as dumb cause you didn't get it either! Ah ha" I replied. Later that night I decided to ask my friend to recall the joke.
"What did the dalai lama say when he walked into the pizza shop? Make me one with everything."...and that's when me dad laughed. Oops!

 Good rule of thumb; don't tell a joke if you don't get it.

 "I-now-know-who-the-daili-lama-is" -Emma

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Breaking News

October 8, 2012
Emma Holmquist Returns for Junior year


         As the Fall 2012 semester drew nearer there were doubts about whether or not Holmquist would return to Brigham Young University of Idaho (BYU-I) for her Junior year. BYU-I is now in their fifth week of fallsemester classes and Holmquist is "alive and kicking", readily engaged in her classes and has a full credit load.
         "There were doubts in my mind as to whether or not I should come back this semester to start my junior year or maybe go and try something new this semester. But after deciding what I wanted to do with my degree I realized I needed to get to work." said Holmquist last week after one of her classes. She has been at BYU-I for two years now and reported that living in Rexburg for two years has been a good experience, but can weigh you down from time to time. As an Exercise Physiology Major Holmquist is taking classes such as Anatomy and Physiology and nutrition this semester and working at Tueller Counseling and the Ag. and Life Sciences Advising and keeping herself busy this semester.
        When Holmquist started at BYU-I she was set on being a Photography major with a minor in Culinary Arts, but changed last fall to Exercise Phys. with an Emphasis in Program and Design, "When I first came to BYU-I, I thought that Photography was the only thing I could handle and I enjoyed taking pictures too. But as I talked with more people and got to know myself a little better I realized that I needed to push myself more and that I was capable of so much more.  I have learned that I should challenge myself, expect more and do what I really love, it's hard and sometimes scary, but I know now that I am capable of doing hard things."
       Holmquist plans to work with women of all ages and teach them the value of self worth and body image, "I want to teach women a new definition of beauty. In the world today we are taught that we need to be a certain size or weight in order to be beautiful and accepted. But beauty is different for every women and we should remember that true beauty starts from within. I want to teach women how to be healthy through exercise and nutrition and remember that we are all different and healthy and beautiful look different on everyone."  
       With two years of her undergraduate left, Holmquist then hopes to go on to grad school to get her masters. She wants to, not only influence her family and friends, but reach out to many more women in the world. She realized the importance of coming back school after she decided on what she wanted to do with her degree. She has started to define her own beauty, through her goals and hard work and is expected to go on to do great things.