Tuesday, November 6, 2012

'Oops' from Em

 And we're back with a new episode of "Oops from Em"

Hello world, it's me again, the one that tells the jokes, but doesn't get them. I was talking to a friend a while back and he shared a joke with me. Of course me being the person that I am, I didn't get it or know who the Dalia lama is, so what do I do? I go on and share it with my father.
"Dad, what did the Dalia lama say when he walked into the pizza shop?"
My dad replied, "What?"
 "Make me a pizza with everything on it....." There was a long pause and my dad just looked at me. "Yeah, I didn't get it either. I don't understand why my friend thought it was so funny." I said.
"Are you sure that was the joke, Em?" my dad asked.
"Yeah, it was something like that, it just didn't make sense to me. I thought maybe you would get it, but now I don't feel as dumb cause you didn't get it either! Ah ha" I replied. Later that night I decided to ask my friend to recall the joke.
"What did the dalai lama say when he walked into the pizza shop? Make me one with everything."...and that's when me dad laughed. Oops!

 Good rule of thumb; don't tell a joke if you don't get it.

 "I-now-know-who-the-daili-lama-is" -Emma

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