Sunday, June 17, 2012

'bum glue'

    Do you ever find that you need a little 'bum glue' to keep you going? What, you might ask is bum glue. It's the stuff that you brush on to the sheet of your pants and then sit on to keep you in the chair until you have finished that task that you have started and must complete. That task that you just might not want to completely or see the purpose in.
            I'm finding more and more that I need this kind of glue to keep me focused and going to finish my homework assignments. It's rather unpleasant sometimes and I lack the good quality glue that I sometimes need. So here is the question; where do I find that glue? I kinda wish that I could simply go to the University store, march straight back to the area they keep the textbooks and if I was to ask one of the employees for the magical stuff they would answer, "Oh yes, of course. We just got a new shipment in and we have it right here on aisle seven. We have several different levels of intensities, do you know what you would like?" I would reply with excitement and relief "Perfect. Please I will take the max hold." That max hold will hopefully work like that level five max hairspray that you buy to keep your hair in place all day. It's magical stuff, I'll tell ya!
   Okay, so lets be real for just a second. There is no such things as 'bum glue', but wait is that really true? Yes, there is no product that you can buy in a bottle at the store but surely we can find some kind of....motivation.
       Ah ha! Motivation that qualifies as 'bum glue'. So, that's the key, finding the motivation that you need to hold you down until you have completed that unpleasant task. We all have different things that motivate us, the trick is figuring out what that is. So, I'm going to find my 'bum glue' and it's going to take a little more work then just going to the store and taking it off the shelf. But that's okay, because the things that are hard are usually the most worthwhile. 


  1. ha ha ha I love that.

  2. I would be worried about applying bum glue and then having to go potty. ;)

  3. Very nice Cousin! If you do ever happen to turn this innovative idea of bum glue into an actual product you'd make millions! ;)
