Monday, August 27, 2012

Adventures one and two

Okay, okay, okay I just can't keep my stories and adventures a secret anymore. I must tell you all about the fun things I have done over the break and the adventures we have gone on. So here we go.....

     I started the seven week break as a bum. I kinda just kept to myself and wasn't all that excited about meeting new people, I just wanted to do my own thing. But then my sweet roommate Megan came home one day and told me to get up off my sorry bum and come have some fun with her and so the rest is history. 
   Our first adventure consisted of a camp fire, s'mores, and a lake. Megan got me off the couch and took me to Egin lake where I met Clay and Brett. We had some s'mores and played frisbee in the dark lake waters. And I got to know these two fella's a little better. 
                                                  Love me some sand, but not so much in my shoes.
Clay looks like an Indian. 
  Adventure number two: I went home! Okay, some might think that this doesn't count as an adventure, but clearly you have never been to my house. I got to go home for about a week for a mix of reasons and while home many great things happened. 

My dear mother made us all go to Shakespeare in the cool. And we got to eat homemade pizza rolls. Oh and Quinc (my little sister) made caramel corn, yum!!! 

Golden is my youngest sister and she calls me Granny! 
    Quincy, Golden, and I decided it would be fun to take some pictures so I did their hair and we took a few pictures.

Quincy and Golden

  I tried to catch a duck while at home......

  And look I got one....okay so I didn't actually catch it. I was outside checking things out and my brother handed me a duck. I would a agree that it's a bit random, but we got a picture of it anyway. 
Golden and I went for a five minute horse was literally five minutes, because little Sparky there doesn't like to listen and go where he is suppose too. 
    After our Saturday family walk we took some family pictures. My family can be pretty entertaining at times and we all seem to think we're pretty funny, by no means are we normal. 
My two brothers and dad went on a 50 mile hike in the Bob Marshal wilderness, so all the girls went to pick them up at the trail head. Not sure why, but that picture of me was one of the only pictures that was take on that trip.Oh and we saw some big horn sheep.  

   Last but not least, on one of my last afternoons I was at home, I asked my mom if the two of us could go on a walk together. Now, you have to understand that it's almost impossible to get time with mom alone. So as we started to walk out the driveway we were joined by Sadie....and then Rigdon...and then Presley, which really isn't even half of my siblings but still it's a lot. We walked down the road about a quarter of a mile where we came upon the canal by our house. And that is where the fun began. We put our row boat in the canal and did ourselves some canal rowing....haha! As we rowed down the canal my little sister Honore' came down the road in her wheelchair and then Olivia and Golden showed up riding a horse, and last but not least Chelsie and Zeth came down the road on a tandem bike. By the time we were done rowing and walking back to the house all of my siblings were there and were just having a grand old time with all sorts of different transportation. You just can't make this stuff up.
   So,  my first two adventures for the summer were great. The adventures at home were fun, silly, and I could never find them anywhere else. Egin lake was the start of something a little different for me here in my Rexburg world. I will continue to share and explain more about my adventures and how I've changed, but for now this is just a taste of my world and it's not so much Dilemmas, but delights! 


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