Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Withstand with courage"

"The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life."
-Elder Joseph B. Wirthin

     I was searching for some words of comfort and wisdom this evening and I came across this Mormon message and it touch me, so I thought I would share it with you all. I also have had some other thoughts in the last little bit and if you so choose you can continue to read. It isn't much much, but I still wanted to share them. 
     The phrase that comes to mind is "withstand with courage", endure and as you do so keep the Lord by your side. I sometimes find myself overwhelmed by the challenges that have been placed before me. I forget that as I am going through trials in my life there is something I can always do; seek the guidance of my Heavenly Father. I often forget the phrase the Elder Wirthin shared, "Come what may and love it". 3 Nephi 15:9 states, "Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life." Withstand with courage and endure through the things that you find difficult in your life, because if you do so you will, in the end, be happy and have life forever.
       There are moments in life when things seem harder than what we would like to deal with but if we look in the right places and trust in the Lords plan we will always succeed and grow in the process.  Each one of us has a purpose and we will find it if we focus on the things that we can do and the things that truly matter most. Have faith in the Lord, He will guide you. Be willing to follow. Explore everyday and learn new things. Don't worry about tomorrow, but live your life today.  Work hard and push yourself. Move outside of your comfort zone. Be open minded and willing to change. Remember the Lord trusts you. Don't judge others.  Count your blessings. Remember that you are needed. Learn from the past. Don't let yourself be offended by others. Remain strong in the gospel. Assume the good and doubt the bad. Express your gratitude towards others even if you feel silly. Don't feel sorry for yourself. You are here to learn and you can only do that through experiences, so go out and experience life. Don't be afraid of being hurt.  You can do hard things and as you 'withstand with courage', endure through the hard things in life, and strive to do your best you will find your best self. 
       Don't you ever ask 'Why me?' but be grateful for the lessons that you can learn from your trials. React in a way that will make you happy and succeed in life. As Elder Wirhtin said, "Laugh". And remember that  "You are precious, sent at this day and time for a purpose. You have been withheld until this very hour. Wonderful, glorious things are in store for you if you will only believe, obey, and endure." 

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