Friday, May 25, 2012

Pictures of Life

Words are always good, but there is nothing like a picture. I chose of few pictures that I thought defined my personality a little, and who I am.

When I was a little girl I loved to play with my grandma's shoes. To this day I still love shoes and one day I will have a closet just for shoes. All kinds of shoes!!!!

I have always liked hiking with my older sister...
...and with my friends.
Sometimes I like to dress up for no good reason...and act like it's normal. 
I love to bake and cook for others...shhh, don't tell anyone! 
In high school volleyball was my life. I was the setter and I loved it. 

I loved doing things with my sisters. I have seven of them.
And I have two brothers....I promise they really do love me.
I have the bestest dad ever. We are pretty cool and we do fun stuff together. 

I have a crazy family, we aren't perfect. Sometimes we fight. Sometimes we tease. Sometimes we cry and sometimes we laugh. But no matter what, we are always there for each other and we have lots of fun together, whether we're going to the mountains or just watching a movie. We are an eternal family and I'm so happy that I get to be with these wonderful people for the rest of forever. They made me who I am today.

I don't always know the answers, but that's okay.
I'm kinda silly, but also bashful.
I like to have a good time and I'm pretty weird.
Smiling is my favorite. 
My name is Emma Elizabeth Holmquist. I'm discovering who I am little by little every day, it's a crazy journey but a good one. I'm growing up, but in the process learning how to stay young. 
I love life and all that it has to offer me.
That's me in a nutshell.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"gymnastic struggle"???

   Jan. 31, 2012
      Lately, I have been stumbling across a lot of past conference talks and articles, that have to do with reading. Not only has it said it's important to read but that we should read from the "best books". I decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to read more then I have in the past, because honestly I do like to read. There are so many things to be learned and imagined through great books.
     During, my Christmas break a friend of mine challenged me to read a book while I was at home. I took that challenge and chose to read, "The Secret Life of Bees" it turned out to be a very good read. I learned so much from it and as a result I'm going to  challenging myself to be a little bit more confident in myself, control my anger better, and love those around me more. There are lots of lessons to be learned from others’ lives and their thoughts. I sometimes wish that I could articulate my words better so that I could better share, the things that I know and believe, in a more understandable manner. Just like those that have shared their knowledge through writing.
     So, in the past I have found that it has been difficult for me to stay awake while reading books. I find that I read an entire page without comprehending a word. For my institute class this week we were asked to read an article by Elder Holland and the first paragraph read, 
          "The key to reading any book is staying awake. That means, of course, that you will try to keep your eyes open and some reasonable portion of your blood circulating. But for real reading it means much more than that. Reading which will give you any return on your investment will be an exercise—Walt Whitman called it a gymnastic struggle —in which your mental and spiritual muscles are stretched and strengthened forever. This kind of reading means staying alert, attentive, and actively involved as you recreate the book in your own mind, page by page. Writing a good book is very hard work. Reading it well is not an easy thing either."
    Reading for me is a "gymnastic struggle" but not in the positive way that Walt Whitman described. Lets just say it's nothing less of a few face plants into the mats. That being said, I resolve to make my reading experiences a more positive "gymnastic struggle" that I will grow from. Just think how smart I'm going to be. If I apply this to my schooling, oh boy, there is so much I'm going learn and know. Here I go.... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

"I am a Child of God"

"I am a child of God...Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with him someday."

 In the last few weeks I have been on a roller coaster. No, not the kind of roller coaster that we find at an amusement park, but the one that takes you on an emotional ride, going up and down, sideways and backwards and whatever other direction a person can go. I thought at first it was maybe a boy that was making me feel this way or maybe because of issues with a friend. But after a few embarrassing emotional break downs, a lot of prayer and some crazy Emma-ness, I realized that it had nothing to do with anyone else, it was all me. I had an eye opening experience while talking to a friend and realized I can't rely on others to make me happy. And by trying to be the person I think others want me to be I am actually giving my true self away, I am living a lie. If I can’t like the person that I am or who I am becoming then maybe I am on the wrong track. Here is the problem; I have been relying on other people to make me happy my entire life. I have been thinking that I can only be happy through the acceptance of the people around me. In all  honesty, I have more effect on myself than any other person I come in contact with, I have forgotten that I need to love myself and remember that my Savior loves me and He is who I should be most concerned about.
  I often find myself thinking, "Oh that person doesn't like me? They don’t agree with or think I’m doing this right? Well, I guess I need to change and I’m not doing well enough." This has been more of a subconscious thought than anything else, but so ingrained into my subconscious that I don’t realize I’m doing it, making myself miserable without even knowing it. But perhaps the very thing that attracts others to me is the things I think they don’t like. As a friend once said to me, “Be yourself. Live your life and people will be drawn to you.“ My grandfather also said, “Live with conviction and allow others to do the same.  Agree to disagree.  If everyone thought the same and acted the same we would only need one person in the world.”
And so, I would share with any of you that might be feeling a little down on yourself; like and appreciate the person you see in the mirror every day and step forward with confidence. It’s okay to make mistakes and to mess up. In fact, it’s good to make mistakes, because from those mistakes we grow.  It’s okay if you don’t think exactly like the next person. We are here to learn from each other. Share who you are with others and don’t hide what you believe and think. Don’t worry so much about what others think of you, but focus more on helping others.  Set goals. Work towards them. Strive to do your best. But remember that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. You are smart, beautiful, and you do matter. Believe in yourself and always remember….

You are a child of God. Be happy with who you are! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Withstand with courage"

"The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life."
-Elder Joseph B. Wirthin

     I was searching for some words of comfort and wisdom this evening and I came across this Mormon message and it touch me, so I thought I would share it with you all. I also have had some other thoughts in the last little bit and if you so choose you can continue to read. It isn't much much, but I still wanted to share them. 
     The phrase that comes to mind is "withstand with courage", endure and as you do so keep the Lord by your side. I sometimes find myself overwhelmed by the challenges that have been placed before me. I forget that as I am going through trials in my life there is something I can always do; seek the guidance of my Heavenly Father. I often forget the phrase the Elder Wirthin shared, "Come what may and love it". 3 Nephi 15:9 states, "Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life." Withstand with courage and endure through the things that you find difficult in your life, because if you do so you will, in the end, be happy and have life forever.
       There are moments in life when things seem harder than what we would like to deal with but if we look in the right places and trust in the Lords plan we will always succeed and grow in the process.  Each one of us has a purpose and we will find it if we focus on the things that we can do and the things that truly matter most. Have faith in the Lord, He will guide you. Be willing to follow. Explore everyday and learn new things. Don't worry about tomorrow, but live your life today.  Work hard and push yourself. Move outside of your comfort zone. Be open minded and willing to change. Remember the Lord trusts you. Don't judge others.  Count your blessings. Remember that you are needed. Learn from the past. Don't let yourself be offended by others. Remain strong in the gospel. Assume the good and doubt the bad. Express your gratitude towards others even if you feel silly. Don't feel sorry for yourself. You are here to learn and you can only do that through experiences, so go out and experience life. Don't be afraid of being hurt.  You can do hard things and as you 'withstand with courage', endure through the hard things in life, and strive to do your best you will find your best self. 
       Don't you ever ask 'Why me?' but be grateful for the lessons that you can learn from your trials. React in a way that will make you happy and succeed in life. As Elder Wirhtin said, "Laugh". And remember that  "You are precious, sent at this day and time for a purpose. You have been withheld until this very hour. Wonderful, glorious things are in store for you if you will only believe, obey, and endure."