Sunday, December 4, 2011

Desire, attitude, and trials.

I just had a few Sunday morning thoughts today and I thought I would write them out and make a little more sense of them then i usually do, because we all know my mind can be a little jumbled and hey they still might be, but this is what I'm thinking today. :)
Our Heavenly Father wants us to be the best that we can be, He knows what we want and he will help us to be better. He can heal us and our natures can be changed no matter what, but we have to have a desire to change. Elder Oaks taught, “Let us remember that desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. . . The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming.” As I have gone through this semester my desire to change has become stronger. I know that I need to become a better disciple of Christ; I need to be a more humble follower and my attitude needs to change for the better. I  hope that my desires have changed to more important things and I know better what I want to become, the goal now is to work towards that and not only desire but act.
Something I’ve been thinking about lately is my attitude. Is it where it should be? Is it what I want it to be "Where you go, there you are" I think I need to better understand this statement, because it doesn't matter where I go, I take myself with me. This declaration is important because it teaches me to stop constantly wishing I was somewhere else-such as on vacation, living in a different apartment, with different people, and all together in a different circumstance somehow making myself believe that I would be happier. I wouldn't. Truth be told, if I  have these negative thoughts and a bad attitude about where I am and what I’m doing--if I’m get bothered and annoyed easily, if I let myself get frustrated and even angry most of the time, or if I am always wishing things were different, this tendency will follow me, wherever I go. But the reverse is also true. If I am usually a happy person rarely getting annoyed or angry, then I can move from place to place with very little negative impact. Our attitudes reflect who we are. So my desire is there but will I act on it?
There are lots of things that I want to work on in my life and I know that as I seek out my Heavenly Fathers help He will help me to know what I need to do in my live to better myself. I know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can all be saved and be forgiven in our sins. He will support, keep, and preserve us as we are faithful unto Him. I know that He gives us trials to help us to grow. Alma 36:3 states, “…whosoever shall put his trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” I know this to be true and I know that the trials we receive are for our own good. 

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