Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nothing 'just' or 'merely'

What do you want to be in life? I was asked this question the other day, so I thought I would share my dilemma for the day.
This question can be thought of in a few different ways, but I took it a little deeper this time and I want to answer in a way that truly answers the question. I could say that I'm majoring in exercise physiology and I want to do something health related, but deep down that is not my ultimate goal. Deep down my ultimate goal is to have a family.
  Often, I hear girls say "I 'just' want to be a mom." or "I 'just' want to have a family." Well, let me tell you something I don't 'just' want that. I absolutely want to be a mother and there is nothing just, merely, or simple about being a mother and raising a family. What an enormous responsibility and privilege I have to be able to someday be that person that gets to bring little children into the world and then teach them about their Father in Heaven and about all the amazing things in this world. I am so excited to someday share with a worthy man, that responsibility.
  It is true, that there is no way for me to be sure that I will some day have that opportunity, but I can do everything in my power to prepare myself if it does come.  That is where I have the power to change things and I'm slowly becoming the woman I want to be. If motherhood doesn't come for me while I'm young I will continue to learn for my children, so that I might be able to better serve them.